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Lean Cargo

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8 employees
Established in 2021

Company description

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(SP) LEAN Cargo S.A, es una empresa Ágil de servicio multi-modal de gestión de cargas, de amplia competencia en el sector logístico y aduanal, con base y sede en Panamá. Brindamos asesorías en función de las cargas de nuestros clientes comerciales, enfocados en lograr la optimización de espacios y volúmenes al momento de armar su carga en nuestros contenedores (FCL y LCL). También asesoramos a nuestros clientes con inquietudes respecto al agenciamiento aduanal y demás gestiones legales que se desprenden de la importación de sus mercancías. (EN) LEAN Cargo S.A, is an Agile multi-modal cargo management service company, with wide competence in the logistics and customs sector, based and headquartered in Panama. We provide advice based on the loads of our commercial clients, focused on achieving the optimization of spaces and volumes when assembling their cargo in our containers (FCL and LCL). We also advise our clients with concerns regarding customs brokerage and other legal procedures that arise from the importation of their merchandise. (PT) LEAN Cargo S.A, é uma empresa ágil de serviços de gestão de carga multimodal, com ampla competência no setor logístico e alfandegário, com sede e sede no Panamá. Prestamos assessoria com base nas cargas dos nossos clientes comerciais, focados na otimização de espaços e volumes na montagem das suas cargas nos nossos contentores (FCL e LCL). Também assessoramos nossos clientes nas questões relativas ao despacho aduaneiro e demais trâmites legais decorrentes da importação de suas mercadorias.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Panama, Venezuela, USA, China

Main customers:

Tealca, TSB Cargo, WR Management Services


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