Connect Learn Finance

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You are being redirected to the platform Enko where you can access 100% free resources to boost your business. This is a collaboration between Visa and Connectamericas for Women.


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Established in 2017

Company description

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CIVIL ASSOCIATIVE ENTITY WITHOUT LUCRATIVE PURPOSE The purpose of OBI will be to gather and motivate individuals and legal entities to serve in implementation and coordination of civic activities, with the purpose of promoting actions directed to the education and sports, always with the objective of raising awareness and valuing human life, individual and collective rights, including within the areas of social interest such as health, safety, education, social, politics, finance, environmental protection, sustainable development, our biodiversity and nationalism. The board of directors and its associates do not receive remuneration on account of the entity's profile. We work with a network of volunteers.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

citizens in general


These badges certify that certain information declared by a company has been verified, so it can increase the reliability and visibility of its profile.

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ConnectAmericas has verified this company is legally constituted and the people linked to this enterprise are able to do businesses.

What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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People in this company (1)

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