Company description
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I X BIOTRON OF ECUADOR CIA. LTDA Legally constituted since 1991 preceded by Eng. Mauricio Suasnavas Mera since its foundation puts at your service all his experience in the sale and maintenance of Medical Equipment. With our DIVISION OF SALES we can supply your needs in relation to medical equipment in several categories . With our DIVISION OF SALES we can meet your needs in terms of X-ray equipment, ultrasound, digital imaging systems, UCI / UTI units, operating rooms, neonatology and related in both new and reconditioned equipment, consulting and design of facilities hospital specials IX BIOTRON OF ECUADOR CIA. LTDA for the fulfillment of its obligations has highly qualified and specialized personnel in the areas in which it focuses and develops its activity in countries such as: Spain, Germany, United States of America, South Korea, Argentina, as well as having all the necessary infrastructure according to the requirements and compliance with international quality and safety regulations. IX BIOTRON OF ECUADOR CIA. LTDA for guarantee and confidence of its clients in the area of radiodiagnosis and imaging has the backing of the Undersecretariat for Control and Nuclear Applications (SCAN), and is a member of several technical and commercial organizations such as the College of Electrical and Electronic Engineers of Pichincha and the Chamber of Trade of Quito. We know that for our clients an effective and timely attention is very important and the best presentation letter that IX BIOTRON OF ECUADOR CIA. LTDA can offer is the word and confidence of its customers.
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