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Digimed Instrumentação Analítica

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190 employees
Established in 1978

Company description

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Digimed produces and sells Analytical Instrumentation equipment for measuring and analyzing a large number of chemical parameters such as pH, Conductivity, and Turbidity. Our analytical instruments are developed and manufactured following best practices and metrological methods, which require specific techniques to guarantee the accuracy and credibility of all Digimed brand products. All our equipment is of own manufacture and quality certified ISO-9001:2015, that guarantee high performance of the Instruments in plant and excellence in Quality Control.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

SABESP, CSJ, Engie, Fibria, BASF, USP, General Water, Medley, Aché, COPASA, Eucatex, Duratex,CSN, Gerdau, Petrobrás, AMBEV, Embraer, S


ISO9001:2015, CE, Ex, INMETRO CRL0266, CAL0378 and PMR0003


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ConnectAmericas has verified this company is legally constituted and the people linked to this enterprise are able to do businesses.

What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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People in this company (2)

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