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Why Invest in Uruguay?

1. Strong social and political stability.

  • The commerce and investment regime of Uruguay is open, with few border restrictions and a limited use of non-tariff measures. The main commercial strategy of Uruguay is to keep liberalizing commerce and investment, both multilaterally and regionally. Being a small and open economy, Uruguay requires markets free of restrictions and distortions to commerce, particularly in the agricultural sector, which generates most of its exports. In the investment area, Uruguay is actively looking to enhance its business sector to continue bringing foreign direct investment, and through that, expand its economic growth, the employment, and enhancing the transfer of technology.

2. Sustained growth and high rate of foreign investment in relation to GDP.

  • With an average annual growth of about 6% between 2004 and 2011, the good economic performance of Uruguay has allowed it to consolidate the structural improvements achieved after the 2002 crisis. These improvements allowed the country to be more resistant to external collisions, such as the 2008-2009 crisis. 

The commerce and investment regime of Uruguay is open, with few border restrictions and a limited use of non-tariff measures.

  • The good macroeconomic performance reflected in the labor market, that registered historically low unemployment rates in 2012 (6.1%). One of the country's priorities is obtaining higher levels of investment and enhancing the competitiveness of its economy, particularly with reference to its productive capacity and infrastructure.

3. Ample fiscal exemptions to investments, and attractive free trade zones, ports and free airports.

  • There are exonerations of 20%-100% in strategic investments.
  • The service exports are exonerated from VAT.
  • If you invest in a contact center with more than 150 employees, you can qualify for an exoneration of IRAE for ten years.

4. Access to MERCOSUR, a free trade zone with a GDP of US$ 2.5 billion, which also includes Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

  • Uruguay is a member of MERCOSUR (free trade zone between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela and Uruguay), it has signed Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with Israel and Mexico, and it has signed a Frame Agreement of Commerce and Investment with United States, among others. 

5. Excellent cost-benefit relation of the workforce of the region, due to the high skills of its human resources.

6. First level infrastructure, with Montevideo as a regional "hub" in South America.

  • Uruguay has first level infrastructure in Montevideo, being already a regional "hub" in the Southern Cone of Latin America. 50% of the products that enter the port of Montevideo are in transit. Besides, Uruguay has the most dense network of roads in Latin America. It is first in the region in terms of Internet, PC and phone line penetration. It has a very reliable electric supply, most of it coming from renewable sources.

7. Time zone located between the United States and Europe, being a good complement for the delivery of global services.

8. Uruguay has a high standard of living, an agreeable climate and environment, and a high educative level.

  • According to the Human Opportunity Index of the World Bank, Uruguay has achieved a high level of equality of opportunities, in terms of access to basic services, such as education, clean water, electricity and sanitation.


About Uruguay - Stats

Population 3.286.314 inhabitants
Currency ISO denomination Peso Uruguayo (UYU)
Currency regulations Entrance of more than 10.000 $ USD must be declared. There is an ample exchange market to perform buying and selling of foreign currency.
Literacy Rate 98%
Life Expectancy 76,2 years
GDP (millions of US$) 46.710
GDP per capita 13.861
Unemployment Rate (2010) 6,8%
Foreign Debt (millions of US$) 18.345
Gross Debt (% of GDP) 39,3%
Growth of the population (annual rate)  0,19%
Age structure

0-14 years 21,8%

15-64 years 64,1%

65 years or more 14,1% 

Gender structure (males per females)


Urban population 94%


Uruguay XXI



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Complete Investment Guide:

Uruguay - Guía del inversor

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Uruguay Uruguay

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