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41 funcionários
Fundado em 2016

Descrição da empresa

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Promoestetica believes that aesthetic benefits should be for everyone and not for a few. That's why our mission is to make aesthetics more affordable and reliable. We are a platform of Flash Promos with Low Cost Centers under oneself brand with a cristal clear mission: to make aesthetics more affordable and reliable for all the people who would like to look and feel better. is the result of iterations of other start-ups I shutted down plus its owns iterations. My role has been to validate and develop the business model, market, target, strategic analysis, make strategic decisions and to develop functional areas mainly Finance and Marketing. Finally, from May of 2020 we are growing to scale the company as our main objective. Achievements: - Forecasting COP 10.000 millions/ 2022, Sales of COP 3.150 millions/ 2021, Sales of COP 1.000 millions/ 2020, Sales of COP 400 millions/ 2019. Without fundraising just bootstrapping. It means validation of value proposition, market and target. - EBITDA at 39%, Operating Profit 29%, Net Profit (after taxes) close to 20%. It means a successful validation of the business model. - Increase in sales from 2019 to 2020 (3X) and 2021 we growth again at a rate of 3X in sales in comparisom with 2020. All with just bootstrapping (without any fundraising yet). - Creation of 41 formal jobs and better opportunities for some women head of families who work as beauticians. We expect to be more than 100 employees at the end of 2022. - was selected as one of the best 26 entrepreneurship among more than 600 who participated in the convocation of the program CapitalTEC 4.0 sponsored by the Government of Bogotá and one Investment fund called BICTIA, 2019. We received a recommendation letter for investing.
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Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá - Ministerio de Salud de Colombia


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