XXVII National Exporters Congress
The XXVII National Exporters Congress, organized by the National Association of Foreign Trade (ANALDEX), will take place on September 10 and 11at the Dann Carlton Hotel (Cl. 98 # 52B-10) in Barranquilla, Colombia. The main theme of the congress is "Challenges for Growth: Colombia in the new economic context."
The event will bring together national and international businessmen, exporters, importers, representatives from multinationals, members of the national and local government, union leaders, and academia linked to foreign trade in Colombia. Every year, the National Exporters Congress brings together over 600 participants from top management and business backgrounds and awards the Analdex - ProColombia National Exporters Prize.
To access:
- Proposals for corporate representation, click here
For more information:
- Send an email to analdex@analdex.org
- Call +571 5700600
- Visit the event website
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