The Inter‐American Development Bank (IDB) is pleased to invite you to the VIII CHINA-LAC BUSINESS SUMMIT, a high‐level business forum organized jointly by the IDB, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the People’s Bank of China and the Government of Hunan Province. The Forum brings together top executives, policy makers, and high public officials from both shores of the pacific to explore business opportunities between regions. Furthermore, the IDB team will facilitate one-on-one business matchmaking sessions between China and LAC companies.
Register today for this high level Business Summit and be part of the participants that will receive a voucher for USD$1500 toward the purchase of an airplane ticket to Changsha, China. *
We hope that you will join us for this important event, as we are confident this will be a unique and productive opportunity to access one of the biggest markets in the world.
* The quantity of vouchers is limited to ConnectAmericas users and the fulfillment of certain criteria established by the IDB. For more information visit the tab “Rewards”.
* Maximum 10 companies from the same nationality can receive the financial incentive offered by IDB, and each company can only send one application. If more than one person from the same company applies for this benefit, no application from this company will be considered by the Selection Committee.
** After verifying compliance with the requirements set out for applying to this benefit, the Selection Committee will assign vouchers based on the following: (i) the company’s potential in the Asian market, (ii) professional level and English knowledge of the person that will represent the company at the event, and (iii) exporting experience and/or business history.
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