E Business Fair
ConnectNigeria's SME eBusiness Fair is a premier technology event for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Top Brands in Nigeria.
It is set to empower over 5,000 MSMEs and SMEs across Nigeria with the necessary skills, knowledge and insights to build and grow their business using technology. The primary objective of the SME eBusiness Fair is to teach entrepreneurs and business owners how to grow their businesses using technology and to build strong business networks.
The SME eBusiness Fair, which is in two parts, provides businesses with a platform to reach and engage the thousands of attendees at the Exhibition and is an avenue for business executives to learn and acquire new skills from business leaders at the forum.
Reach +5000 Business Owners
The eBusiness Fair puts your brand in front of over 5000 business owners. With our strong and strategic media partners, your brand and your message gets an unparalleled reach to business owners across Nigeria.
Interact with Your Customers
Engage with your ideal customers at #AfricaBiggestSMEevent. get useful feedback from your customers and build better relationships with your industry peers.
Sustaining Brand Reach
Sponsorship is not just for the day it’s for the months leading up to the event, via our information portal, our media partners and engaging social media presence.
Higher Return on Investment
Our previous sponsors are our biggest fans. They received so much value from the past events; they keep coming back for more! You get quality leads, increase your customer database and sell more at this event more than any other.
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