Vriddhi Speciality Foods Pvt Ltd
Descripción de la empresa
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We are a family owned company. The family has a history of long and fruitful association with major retail & institutions across India. With hard work and market-oriented strategies, the company has progressed from a family enterprise to a professionally managed company. Our relationship with customers & business partners has been long & mutually productive. Supported by exceptionally helpful principals & an expanding customer base, our products stand for quality & our company stands for service. We believe that the quality of the products and services is the basis of commercial success. With continuous efforts, we have united tradition and experience with the latest technology, skilled staff, offering a wide range of quality products & competing at the highest levels. Today, with the onslaught of liberalization we have grown to ensure to remain a market leader for niche range of Imported Food Products. We services 3 areas of the Food Business; namely Industry, HORECA and Retail.
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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