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Imbalance Pictures

para calificar esta empresa
Trinidad y Tobago
1 empleado
Fundada en 2012

Descripción de la empresa

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Imbalance Picture’s objective is to provide the highest quality animation for films, television, commercials, mobile devices and online distribution. The principal person behind the company is Kevin Bhall, whose work on animated productions has earned local critical nominations and local awards as well as enjoyed screenings on local television and the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival. He combines the latest in digital techniques and traditional methods, fusing the best of both worlds to create unique and cost effective animation of exceptional quality. Larger projects utilize cloud services and online communications (e.g. Skype) to ensure fast, economical collaboration, minimizing or eliminating the time and cost of travel between team members. Additionally the need for traditional office space is not necessary, decreasing overhead adding to the economy of the operation. These practices enable a high level of quality while minimizing cost of production, allowing us to create content at a fraction of the cost of traditional ‘brick and mortar’ agencies.
IndustrySector / Industria

Products and ServicesProductos y Servicios
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Información comercial

Oficinas en:

Trinidad y Tobago

Principales clientes:

Trinidadians and Tobagonians


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