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26 empleados
Fundada en 2014

Descripción de la empresa

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GrassTerra is a Farmland Investment Management Organization (FIMO) offering a wealth preservation and growth strategy through direct ownership and operations of superior farm properties. GrassTerra was conceived as an innovative company formed by experienced professionals in various fields of agriculture, livestock, foresting, and farmland brokering. We offer the investment community an innovative and accessible tool including the acquisition, management and consulting services in the different areas of the Agribusiness sector: Livestock – Agriculture – Forestry – Fruits & Vegetables. GrassTerra offers agribusiness production project design, analysis, development, start up and ongoing management. The business includes: farmland identification, evaluation and selection and team building through selection and training; as well as commercial services on the Agribusiness Sector. GrassTerra’s 4 principals total more than 90 years of combines experience in fund management, staff management and development; responsible governance, land acquisition, brokering, and all aspects of engineering and management of agriculture, livestock and forestry. GrassTerra has extensive local connections throughout Central and South America.
IndustrySector / Industria

Products and ServicesProductos y Servicios
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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