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Activica S.A.

para calificar esta empresa
26 empleados
Fundada en 2004

Descripción de la empresa

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Over the last 12 years Activica has participated in the production of hundreds of custom online training projects for a variety of markets and industries. Today Activica specializes in high end custom courses, simulators, and game-based elearning. Our team is not only exceptionally talented but also dedicated. Activica has significant experience working with leading global organizations worldwide, especially in North and Central America. We pride ourselves on listening, open and constant communication, accountability and financialtransparency – just a few of the numerous elements that are crucial to anydevelopment relationship. Graphic Designers, Multimedia Developers, Illustrators, Animators, Software Engineers, Programmers, Project Managers, QA Analysts, Instructional Designers and Content Managers come together in a wide range of academic areas to make up our talented team. Work samples:
IndustrySector / Industria

Products and ServicesProductos y Servicios
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Información comercial

Oficinas en:

Argentina, Chile, Panamá, Estados Unidos, Perú

Principales clientes:

Sears, Toyota, Pepsico, Shell, Nestlé, Falabella, Western Union, McGrawHill, Mcdonalds, Apple, Tenaris, DirecTV , Santander,


ISO 9001:2008 IEC 90003




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