Purchase of materials for water meter installations
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Construcción y Servicios Relacionados
Proyecto del BID
Water Supply Infrastructure RehabilitationAviso importante
Esta acción abrirá un enlace externo.
The Republic of Suriname has received financing from the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments under the project Water Supply Infrastructure Rehabilitation for purchasing materials for watermeters installations.
The N.V. Surinaamsche Waterleiding Maatschappij now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the delivery of materials for water meter installations. The delivery period is 90 days.
El presente aviso de licitación pública se publica en Ingles por ser el idioma original del llamado.
O presente aviso de licitação pública está publicado em Inglês por ser este o idioma no qual se publicou o anúncio original.
This public bid is published in English because it is the original language of the call.
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