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Herramientas centroamericanas SA de CV

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El Salvador
110 employees
Established in 1970

Company description

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PRESENTATION LETTER Of our most consideration: We are pleased to address you in order to present to our company Herramientas Centroamericanas SA de CV, dedicated to the manufacture and machining of metal parts and other materials. HECASA It is formed by a team with extensive experience in the aforementioned issues: professionals, supervisors and middle managers with vast experience in metalworking. We have more than 10 years of experience as a company working for different clients, from the automotive and aerospace sector of USA, England, as well as the local market, always aiming to improve the quality of our service so that the client has a better product. We are constantly training our staff. We have in our shop, with last generation machines, every day we surpass each other to have more technical support and solve the possible problems faster. We have vertical and horizontal CNC machining centers, penetration and wire erosion, surface grinders, coordinate measuring equipment, CAD CAM software, as well as qualified personnel for each area. We are ISO 9001-2008 certified The safety of our staff and care for the environment are a daily concern in our company, the staff receives training in a constant and complete thanks to the support of professionals and technicians, either in training days or in the field. Eager to be useful to you and / or your company. Greet very carefully. P / HECASA Luis Robles Arce Machine shop Manager
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

Arrowhead,Green mill supercritical


ISO 9001-2008


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not_verified This company is not yet verified

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People in this company (1)

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