Development and implementation of an integrated hospital management system in Bolivia based on free and open source software health informatics solutions.
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Health & Beauty
IDB Project
BO-L1198 : Program to improve accessibility to maternal and Neonatal health services in BoliviaImportant Notice
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The consulting service aims to support the digital transformation in health, for which the implementation of the Hospital Management Information System (SIGH) has been prioritized, following national policies and regulations that include the use of Free and Open Source Software, and that allows systematizing and digitizing workflows within national hospitals, both for the management of clinical care of patients and the administrative and financial processes that support them, comprising among other activities:
1. Using OpenEMR software as the basis for the digitization of workflows, from the incoming flows (admission, outpatient, emergency and inpatient consultation), incorporating other free and open source software solutions, as well as specific complementary software developments using open health informatics standards, for the rest of the hospital processes to be integrated and digitized. The modules expected to be implemented are listed below:
- Admissions and discharges (outpatient, emergency and inpatient) - Registration
- Institutional medical history.
- Nursing (outpatient, emergency and hospitalization).
- Scheduling by specialties, scheduling, updating (outpatient, emergency, inpatient).
- Bed management, room management, transfers, daily census..: (emergency, inpatient)
- Management and follow-up of orders and results: clinical laboratory, medical imaging, medicines, medical and therapeutic orders, interconsultations therapeutic orders, interconsultations, surgical and non-surgical procedures and other institutional orders in outpatient, emergency and hospitalization.
- Outpatient consultation:
- Emergencies
- Admission
- Pharmacy.
- Laboratories.
- Medical imaging.
- Reports and statistics.
- Hospitality
- System administration.
- Administration and finance:
- Reference and counter reference.
2. Interoperability with existing and mandatory applications implemented by the Ministry of Health and Sports through the National Health Information System (SNIS) and other instances of the Bolivian Government within the framework of the country's digital agenda should also be considered.
3. The consultancy includes the implementation of the project in El Alto Norte and El Alto Sur hospitals, which have a patient-centered, quality-oriented hospital management model based on international best practices; to this end, they will be accompanied by a change management facilitator team in the process of digital transformation of hospital staff.
Interested consulting firms should provide information indicating that they are qualified and have relevant experience to perform the services. The following information will be valued:
a) A simple photocopy of the legal incorporation documents
b) Information on the firm.
c) Experience of the last 10 years, related to the consultancy, submitted in Form No. 2.2., accompanied by simple photocopies supporting the services rendered with respect to:
- Experience in design and development of hospital management software.
- Experience in change management in digital transformation projects.
- Other specific experience in similar or comparable work to this consultancy (e.g. implementation projects of telehealth, telemedicine or mHealth programs, Electronic Medical Records and/or Electronic Health Record projects, using health informatics and interoperability standards such as HL7/FHIR, LOINC, ICD-10, SNOMED-CT, among others, public health information systems projects such as Epidemiological Surveillance, Immunizations, HIV/AIDS, Vital Statistics, etc.).
d. In the case of firms that intend to form an APCA (Joint Venture Association, Consortium or Association), they must submit their letter of intent indicating the percentages of participation of each associated firm and identifying the leading firm.
e. Summary of the financial statements and/or invoicing for the last five (5) fiscal years.
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