Globant is an Argentine company that conquered the U.S. market by reaching millions of consumers with innovative products. Migoya revealed its beginnings to ConnectAmericas and why it is important to increase the region’s talent pool.
“We are not going to sell in Latin America”, was the first sentence written on the draft business plan by the creators of Globant, a software company that started off as a venture and went out to conquer the U.S. market.
“We work for large companies in the United States, creating very innovative products that reach millions of consumers. Disney and LinkedIn are among the most important clients of the company based in Argentina”, revealed Martín Migoya, CEO of Globant, to ConnectAmericas during an interview conducted at the Outsorce2LAC forum.
“We started working with friends we knew. From there we generated a chain of contacts that we visited in the United States to present our innovating concept and one of them called us offering an opportunity in London”, remembered the firm’s founder.
View the complete video interview where Migoya highlights the importance of creativity, innovation and the search for talent in the industry.
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