Do you want to sell to ARCOS DORADOS, GRUPO BRITT, DHL or GOVERNMENTS throughout Latin America and the Caribbean? ConnectAmericas helps your company become a provider for these clients. Discover how.
Did you know that every year billions of dollars are signed in contracts between small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) like yours and large companies and governments in Latin America and the Caribbean? In, the first social business network in the Americas, we now offer all the real time information about the latest business opportunities in the region.
For that, we have developed a mechanism where large companies, such as McDonalds, DHL and Grupo Britt, national and sub-national governments and the IDB Group publish buying announcements on the platform, and businesspeople like you can apply to become providers for these large clients.
Make your “business of a lifetime” come true easily:
- Register on and go to the business opportunities section.
- You will see hundreds of publications of public and private offers you can apply to.
- Choose the most attractive for your firm and you will Access a more detailed description.
- Once you have explored the description of the opportunity, you can contact the buying agents directly or go to the websites of the governments where you will obtain all the necessary information to apply.
Do not forget to read the requirements and standards to be eligible carefully, and make sure your Company fulfills all of the requirements.
If your Company does not fulfill all the requirements, consider it an opportunity to strengthen your Company and become eligible for future offers. ConnectAmericas offers courses, articles, videos and information about government programs designed to help you fulfill the requirements and standards.
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