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BID for the Americas

BID for the Americas: A U.S. company’s journey in Latin America and the Caribbean

Through the BID for the Americas program, we reaffirm our dedication to fostering business opportunities and strengthening economic ties between countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and key partners around the globe. In this effort, the recent Outsource2LAC Forum, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, served as an opportunity to bring together over 1,000 entrepreneurs and capitalize on the Inter-American Development Bank’s expertise and networks to create robust business connections and partnerships with regional and global firms. For Davidson Global & Co., a U.S.-based company, the event was a gateway to groundbreaking opportunities in our region. From forging strategic partnerships in Jamaica, Colombia, and Costa Rica to implementing cutting-edge AI solutions, every connection has highlighted the region’s immense potential to lead in technology and innovation. Learn more about BID for the Americas here.

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