The Secretariat for Industry, Commerce and Mining of Bahia helps investors look for opportunities and set up in the State
Investing in Bahia is easier thanks to the Secretariat for Industry, Commerce and Mining.
The Government of the State of Bahia, through it Secretariat of Industry, Commerce, and Mining (SICM-BA) helps investors find and assess business opportunities in the state. The mission of the Secretariat is to draft and implement development policies that support industry, trade, services, and mining in the State of Bahia. SICM-BA offers a wide range of services through its website that will help the investor feel at home.
The SICM-BA objectives are to:
- Promote the development of industry, trade, services and mining in the state using all possible actions through its various agencies
- Promote and implement the supply, storage and retail of foods and basic goods
- Incentivate exports of products from Bahia
- Provide business registry services, in line with the relevant Federal Law
- Lead studies and actions aimed at increasing the productivity, competitiveness and quality of the goods and services produced in the state
- Develop and implement research, planning, and technical training activities aimed at strengthening industry, commerce, services and mining
For more information, please get in touch with the SICM-BA by clicking here.
Step-by-step for Investors in Bahia
- Preliminary Contract: collect that data that the investor needs for this step (at SICM-BA)
- Investment Intention: sign the intentions protocol with the State of Bahia
- Select Location: fill out the required paperwork to request a certain area, purchase the area (land, storage facilities, and more), and produce the deed. Agency involved: Superintendência de Desenvolvimento Comercial e Industrial da Bahia (SUDIC).
- Constitution of the Company: the entire procedure must be done through the SAC Empresarial.
- Capital Registry in Brazil: The company receiving the investment must fill out the electronic registry for investors at the Brazilian Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil)
- Environmental Licensing; the analysis prior to the environmental licensing is carried out by the Comissão Técnica de Garantia Ambiental (CTGA), part of the SICM-BA
- Mining: the authorization to explore and operate is done by the Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral (DNPM).
- Financing: Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB) is a development bank that fosters the development of business in the North Eastern part of the country. It offers highly competitive rates. Desenbahia is the econmic development agency that represents the BNDES in the State.
Market Data
SICM-BA, in partnership with other entities, makes available investment guidebooks, sectoral studies, and other information to help investors learn more about the opportunities in the state. These documents can be found here.
Other information, such as statistical data, trade balance, export data, GDP per sector, retail and industry figures, employment, infrastructure, human resources, technology and innovation, and doing business environment can be found here.

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