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Resources for SMEs in El Salvador

The Fondo de Desarrollo Productivo de El Salvador (FONDEPRO) provides a directory of links to governmental agencies or bodies that support MSMEs and facilitate expansion or internationalization projects.

The Department of Export Promotion (FOEX) of the Minsitry of the Economy was created in 2002 to support export projects by Small and Medium Enterprises. In 2006, the scope of support expanded with the establishment of the Fondo de Desarrollo Productivo (FONDEPRO). New lines of support were established, including: promoting quality and productivity, innovation and technological development and franchise development.

FONDEPRO recommends the following links of interest for SMEs in El Salvador:


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El Salvador El Salvador

More info:

For more information, contact FONDEPRO clicking here, sending an email to or calling (503) 2590-5871.

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