Prominent sectors to invest in Portugal
Portugal has an array of economic opportunities for investors interested in expanding their business. AICEP Portugal Global offers information on the 17 most prominent sectors to invest in Portugal.
- Automotive: The automotive industry in Portugal hosts 5 car manufacturers, namely, Volkswagen AutoEuropa, PSA, Mitsubishi, ISUZU and Salvador Caetano and about 200 automotive supplier companies. CaetanoBus, a Salvador Caetano group company, is, for instance, a world leader in bus manufacturing for airports and is expected to deliver in the near future the first full-electric bus.
- ICT: From financial services, to software, hardware and telecommunications, Portuguese companies have achieved a high level of excellence and international recognition with state-of-the-art products and services. Portugal's multifuncional 24/7 ATM machines make life easier for those accessing financial or public services. It is also the homeland of Via Verde, an innovative electronic system that allows to pay highway tolls and car parks or even pay gas at petrol stations without having to leave your car. Via Verde processes 500 thousand transactions per day.
- Moulds: The production of Plastic Moulds Industry is a high technological added sector and it is highly developed in Portugal playing an international leading role with overseas customers accounting for 80 per cent of total sales. The country is among the world’s largest mould makers, particularly when it comes to moulds for plastics.
- Wine: Portugal is ranked 5th in Europe as a wine producing country. Vineyards can be found throughout the country, covering a total area of approximately 258 000 acres. The wine sector accounts for 50% of the total agricultural turnover, with approximatly 13 thousand companies and employing 28% of the agricultural workforce.
- Renewable Energy:Portugal's commitment with clean energies is boosting investments in R&D and developing a new and innovative industry. Two Portuguese Universities, along with some of the finest companies in the ceramic industry, are developing the “Solar Tiles Project” which aims to produce electricity from solar energy utilizing "simple" roof solar tiles "instead of the traditional solar panels".
- Shared Services: Portugal has 450 companies working in the Shared Services Center sector generating a turnover of 1.3 billion euro witch represents about 1% of total GDP. Among these companies are well known leading brands like Cisco that has already 3 Shared Services Centers based in Portugal.
- Cork: Portugal is the world leader in cork production, with an average annual output of 157000 tons, and holds 60% of worldwide exports representing an annual turnover of about 850 million euro.
- Aeronautical: You know that in the aviation business security and demand are the most important assets of a company. That starts from the very beginning of aircraft building and goes on during the life of an aircraft with high quality maintenance.Well, you can find it all in Portugal. Major aircraft manufacturers already did. Airbus relies on Portuguese expertise in very sensitive issues like sensors.
- Biotechnology: Over 40 companies, most of wich created between 2001 and 2006, are attracting international attentions over the biotechnology industry in Portugal. With a strong focus on R & D, and millions of euros invested, these companies work – in some cases – in diferent areas of activity and are developing, among others, pharmaceutical products that help to improve your quality of life.
- Eco-Innovation: Sustainability must be at the forefront of economic development. Recognizing this, a large number of Portuguese companies has already embraced eco-innovation as a driving force in their R&D activities and in their product and service portfolios.
- Building materials: Portugal has a solid reputation, acquired over the years, in the field of Building Materials, from a significant number of construction works, in the four corners of the world, where our materials were used.
- Pulp & Paper: Portugal is a leading country in the pulp and paper sector, not only in the technology and creativity used in its products but also in terms of market share.
- Textiles: The textile sector is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Portuguese economy offering products of high added value and technology.
- Mining: Due an excellent location Portugal is considered a place with great potential for the exploitation of mineral resources.
- Naval: Portugal offers unique competitive advantages to the development of naval construction and repair sector.
- Petrochemical & Chemical: The Portuguese petrochemical and chemical industry is crossing a very dynamic period with new expansion projects and new factories.Portuguese agriculture and agro-industry industries have emerged as Portugal’s fastest-growing export sector and a significant area in job creation representing 3% of our national GDP.
- Agriculture, Fishing and Food: Portuguese agriculture and agro-industry industries have emerged as Portugal’s fastest-growing export sector and a significant area in job creation representing 3% of our national GDP.

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