NAMDEVCO offers marketing services to Trinidadian and Tobagoan exporters
NAMDEVCO offers exporters a series of programmes and services designed to enhance the competitiveness and value of the agribusiness sector through the identification, development and promotion of domestic and international market opportunities.
To this end, NAMDEVCO offers the following services:
- Identification of export market opportunities
- Identification of potential buyers
- Provision of export prices
- Links to required services such as freight, financing and credit insurance
- Development of Investment profiles
- Establishment of links with service providers
- Market Intelligence Reports
- Various pricing reports (daily wholesale prices, weekly retail prices, historic prices) for various sectors including, fresh produce, sea food, grocery items, meats
- Quality assurance
- Farm certification and monitoring
- Capacity building for farmers
- Promotion and Exhibitions – Local and International
To request any of these services, please contact NAMDEVCO at:
- Head Office: (868) 647-3218, 3467, 3866, 7576, 1340, 7907, or 2368
- NAMDEVCO Couva Sub Office: 679-8412
- Southern Wholesale Market, Debe: (868) 647-7478
- Orange Valley Fish Market: (868) 679-2281
- Port of Spain Fish Market: (868) 627-7656
- Norris Deonarine Northern Wholesale Market: (868) 645-9073
- Piarco Packinghouse: (868) 669-7092
- Valencia Farmers Retail Facility: (868) 667-9594
- Farmers Market Unit: (868) 645-7377
Or directly send a message by clicking here or writing and email to:

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