Learn about the benefits of leasing or purchasing space in BIDC industrial estates
The Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) was founded with a mission be a catalyst for innovative and productive endeavors in Barbados. BIDC offers businesses the opportunity to lease or purchase space in industrial estates or clusters. Moving your manufacturing operation to one of these estates can be beneficial, as it can act as an ecosystem for collaboration with other industry actors.
The BIDC owns thirteen (13) real estate sites which have a designation and development plan specifically for the clustering of information technology, manufacturers, distributors and sometimes their suppliers or service providers on leased or purchased parcel of lands or in available buildings. To see a detailed list of industrial sites and their characteristics, click here.
The BIDC’s space is leased to manufacturers and information service providers in units of various sizes. Units in the small business incubator facility are 380 sq. ft. in size. To apply for space in one of BIDC’s facilities, click here.
- Application for Factory Space forms should be submitted to the BIDC and must be accompanied by the following:
- Projected Monthly Cash Flow Statements (for 1st year of operation)
- Marketing Survey
- Registration of Business Name Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation and supporting Incorporation documents as filed at the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office
- Evidence of at least three (3) months’ working capital
- Confirmation of financing
- Audited Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement for past 2 years (for existing companies)
- Audited Income Statement for past 2 years (for existing companies)
- Actual and Projected Balance Sheet (2 years) for new companies
- Actual and Projected Income Statement (2 years) for new companies.
For a detailed explanation of the application procedure, click here.

More info:
For more information:
- Phone: (246) 427-5350
- Fax: (246) 426-7802
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