How to set up a company in Portugal
AICEP Portugal Global, Portugal's investment agency, provides useful and practical information regarding the registering and establishment of a company in Portugal.
Foreign Investment in Portugal:
In Portugal there are no entry restrictions for foreign capital. In fact, the guiding principle of the Portuguese legal framework is to prohibit discrimination of the investment on the grounds of nationality. Likewise, it is not required to have a national partner and there are no specific obligations for foreign investors. There are also no restrictions on the profits and/or dividends repatriation.
As Portugal is a member state of the European Union, an entrepreneur planning to invest in the country will neither have to submit to different rules from those governing domestic investment followed entrepreneurs, nor will the need for any special registration or statement of foreign investment be imposed. Therefore, there is no differential treatment between foreign and domestic investment in Portugal.
Foreign companies, apart from enjoying the same conditions and rights as domestic firms, are also liable for taxes and other tariffs, including Income Tax (“IRC”), Value Added Tax (“IVA”), Vehicle Tax, Property Tax (“IMI”), among others. Companies must also respect deadlines regarding social security payments, as well as payments payable by its employees.
For detailed information on foreign investment in Portugal click here.

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