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Global Banking Alliance for Women promotes financial institutions serving women business owners

Global Banking Alliance for Women (GBA) propels the growth of women in business and women’s wealth creation, while generating superior business outcomes for member financial institutions

According to this organization, created in 2013, providing universal access to financing is the best method to end poverty and reach sustainable development goals. Ever since, it has been working to achieve this goal by 2020. It also supports the efforts of the World Bank Group and has made a commitment to provide financial access to 1.8 million previously unbanked women in Latin America and Africa by 2020.


The most prominent GBA actions include:

  • Annual summit: Members gather during three days to conduct intensive study and research on business practices, carry out in-depth case study analyses and present prominent speakers.
  • Tours and study workshops: These are field visits where new members are exposed to the best practices of global leaders in women’s markets programs and regional workshops on particular topics.  
  • Mentoring Program: This is an innovative program that matches individuals from institutions of mature and successful programs (mentoring institutions) with peers from member banks implementing early stage women’s market programs (mentee institutions).
  • Documents and studies: GBA publishes analytical case studies, briefing notes and a monthly newsletter covering members’ news as well as marketplace trends and the latest products.
  • Online Community: Password-protected members have access to Winning the Women´s Market, GBA’s complete first publication and technical guide for professionals. 
  • Industry impact: As the most prominent consortium of banks with women’s markets programs, GBA has a responsibility towards desired policy change. This is why it leverages all opportunities to support women’s access to finance and women in business.


GBA provides member institutions with tools to understand the women’s market and how to serve it through advisory services, creation of networks, research and publications, while making it possible to significantly enhance their services through innovative and integral programs.


It is important to keep abreast with the information that appears on the news section and to keep in mind the list of events where you will learn about the different activities relating to women’s economy.



More info:

Global Banking Alliance for Women

540 President Street | Brooklyn NY 11215 

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