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ExporTT Co-Financing for Eligible Exporters

ExporTT offers to reimburse Trinidadian and Tobagoan firms for a portion of a pre-approved investment, purchase, cost or expense incurred by the company in reaching selected export markets.

To be eligible to receive this support the firms must comply with the following criteria:

  • Have Proof of Registration
  • Be locally owned
  • Product must be locally manufactured 
  • The amount requested must be within the Limits set forth below

Co-financing will be provided for services whereby a 50% reimbursement will be made in TT$ at the conversion rate applied on your date of payment, for all services except Overseas Trade Shows whereby a 100% reimbursement will be made. However, the following limits apply:

  • Level 1 Exporting Company: TT$150,000 per company, per calendar year
  • Level 2 Exporting Company: TT$75,000 per company, per calendar year
  • Level 3 Exporting Company: TT$25,000 per company, per calendar year

To help you determine your company’s Level of Exporting we invite you to take the Exporter Level Test here. Confirmed determination of the Exporting Level will be done in consultation between the relevant company and exporTT.

Please click here to see the type of co-financing available for Services exporters.

Please click here to see the type of co-financing available for Goods exporters. 

Co-Financing Reimbursement: All costs incurred would be reimbursed within 15 days upon submission of the following documents to exporTT:

  • Invoice(s)
  • Evidence of payment
  • Any other relevant documentation

To apply for ExporTT's co-financing support, please click here. Note that you must regiter on the ExporTT stie to be able to access the form.

Provided by:



Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago

More info:

For additional information about ExporTT co-financing, please click write to

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