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Colombia: Ruta N and Finaktiva launch a financing line for high-impact female entrepreneurship

Ruta N, in alliance with Finaktiva, has created the financing line for women entrepreneurship with high impact. This is a product focused in entrepreneurial women, whit an automatic granted guarantee and without previous loan analysis. This facilitates not only the access to credit, but also lowers the costs of financing that the women entrepreneur has at the moment of funding her project. This line has 2.135 Millions of Pesos and it will grant loans up to 100 Millions, to repay in upto 36 months and 6 months of grace period. Acknowledging some of the main barriers that the women face in their companies ( networks, trust, skills, others), the Woman Entrepreneurship High Impact Line of Credit includes a series of trainings and network events to strengthen business skills  and the professional alliance amongst women. 



If your company is eligible, you will get a loan for up to 100 Million Pesos, backed by an automatic guarantee for 70% of the loan, covered 100% by Ruta N. Besides the money, you will receive access to the programm "Empoderate" from Innpulsa; an exclusive pack of courses for entrepreneurs from The Biz Nation; a ebook " ABC en emprendimiento" from Finaktiva and to trainings each two months. You, also, will be part of the MET community. 




This line of financing is aimed at micro, small or medium-sized companies with the following characteristics:


  1. Have a female founder, who is part of the leading team, who is a legal representative and / or who has at least 30% of the shareholding composition.
  2. Have minimum sales of 200 million a year.
  3. Have a minimum of six months of formal operations as a legal entity.
  4. Guarantee the participation of one of the women of the company in the accompaniments provided by the Line


For more information visit Ruta N Site



Provided by:

Ruta N


Colombia Colombia

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