The Caribbean Export Development Agency facilitates investment in CARIFORUM countries
The Caribbean Export Development Agency offers services that facilitate investment in CARIFORUM economies. Efforts to promote investment encounter unique challenges because of the widely dispersed countries with small populations that make up the Caribbean. The Caribbean Export Development Agency has investment initiatives and resources available at national, regional, and sub-regional levels
The Caribbean Export Development Agency investment promotion activities are open to both intra and extra-regional investors. The agency is particularly interested in the development of new export goods and services.
Learn more about Caribbean Export’s investment activities:
- CAIPA: Caribbean Export is the Secretariat for the Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA). It was launched in 2007 to facilitate the collaboration of regional Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs).
- Regional Investor of the Year Awards: The inaugural Regional Investor of the Year Award is organized in collaboration with the Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA). The awards were designed to highlight the contribution of both local investors within the region and foreign investors to the region.

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For more information,
- E-mail:
- Call: +1(246) 436-0578
- Fax: +1(246) 436-9999
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