The Oriental Republic of Uruguay, within the framework of the Loan Agreement signed with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has received financing of USD 90 million for the Program for the Development and Strengthening of Fiscal Management and Subnational Services (PDGS III).
The Government of Costa Rica has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank for the Road Infrastructure and Urban Mobility Program: Resilient Connectivity, and it intends to use these funds for the execution of the project corresponding to the design and construction of the Central Section of National Route No. 35, highway to San Carlos, divided into two lots.
Project Details:
- Lot No. 1: Property Units SC-1, SC-2 and SC-3. Execution period: 40 months.
- Lot No. 2: Property Units SC-4, SC-5 and SC-6. Execution period: 32 months.
The Republic of Peru has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to partially fund the “Program for the Improvement of Criminal Justice Services in Peru (PMSJMPP),” with the objective of optimizing criminal justice services in the country.
Within the framework of the Loan Agreement signed by the Government of Peru and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Special Project for Decentralized Transport Infrastructure – Provías Descentralizado has received financing for the Road Infrastructure Program for Regional Competitiveness – PROREGION 2. Part of these funds will be used for the contract for road management, improvement and maintenance by service levels of Road Corridor No. 22 B, which includes various interventions in the Department of Huánuco.
Within the framework of the Grant Agreement signed between the Republic of Haiti and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), as well as the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development (MARNDR) invites bids for the acquisition of fishing materials and equipment for fisher associations, under the Support Program for Agricultural and Fisheries Productivity and Improvement of Rural Market Access Infrastructure (PAPAIR).
The Oriental Republic of Uruguay has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the cost of the Montevideo Sanitation Program – Stage VI (PSU VI), under Loan Agreement 5410/OC-UR. Part of these funds will be allocated to the contract for the construction of the Snowball Pumping Station and accessory works.
The Municipality of Montevideo, through its Sanitation Executive Unit of the Department of Environmental Development, calls on construction companies and consortiums from IDB member countries, which meet the established eligibility requirements, to participate in this International Public Tender.
The Oriental Republic of Uruguay has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank to finance the cost of the Montevideo Sanitation Program – Stage VI, and it is proposed to use part of the proceeds of this financing to make payments under the contract: Batlle Berres Pumping Station and Ancillary Works.
The Plurinational State of Bolivia has received a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to finance the mentioned program. Part of these funds will be used to make payments under this contract.
Within the scope of the Loan Agreement signed between the Government of Brazil and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Municipality of Curitiba announces the Republication of the International Public Bidding Notice (LPI No. CP/007/2024-SMOP/OPP-BID). This process is intended for the Execution of Road Infrastructure and Engineering and Architecture Works for the Inter2 Direct Line.
The Republic of Ecuador requested a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank to finance the Financial Administration Modernization Program (MEF), and intends to use part of these funds for the contract "Acquisition of Desktop PCs and Laptops" under International Public Tender No. EC-L1249-P00014.
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