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Advertising on search engines

E-commerce entrepreneurs should maximize use of online campaigns as they are extremely powerful marketing tools.

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Published by VISA Empresarial

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A search engine or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a software application designed to find digital resources such as web pages, texts, news. pictures, videos, files, etc. These are found at the time of entering in a keyword search. As e-commerce entrepreneurs, it is essential to empower your company on the web as it is an effective way to develop low cost advertising.

Advertising on search engines gives the possibility of creating online ad campaigns through the most common search engines like Yahoo. or Google, this is done primarily through two means: network search and display networks.

Search Network: They are paid advertisements that are displayed in search engines. The business pays so the ad ( link to the site) appears in a special place (at the top. very visible) within the search results of certain keywords previously defined by the company. They have a cost per click.

How does network-based search advertising work?

  • The business creates ads. defines the budget restrictions, controls and select the keywords related to your business. 
  • The user makes a query containing keywords in a search engine. 
  • The search engine displays the search results by placing the ad on trade in a special place. 
  • The user clicks on the ad and is re-directed to the site of the trade. 
  • Normally trade pay for the number of times a user clicks on the ad.

Network display: Refers to those notices to a network consisting of many websites where you can post ads. Unlike search ads, these ads are usually deployed on third party websites (related in any way with the business) and can include images, videos and other technologies

How networks based display advertising work? 

  • The business creates ads. defines the budget define restrictions, controls and select the keywords related to your business. 
  • The business restrictions defined location on websites that your ad will appear. 
  • The user enters a page that belongs to the network display that has not been excluded by the company. 
  • A advert is displayed on the page via banners, videos, etc. The user clicks on the ad and is re-directed to the site of the trade. 
  • Depending on the objective of the campaign, trade can define pay per click or pay per thousand views.
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