When you create a company profile on ConnectAmericas, you’re opening a virtual window for your brand. This window will be visited by people from all over the world, and the way you present it can increase or decrease your chances of doing business on ConnectAmericas.
But don’t worry! We’ll help you improve your profile with 8 basic tips that will make it much more attractive. These tips were created by our specialists based on the dynamics of business on ConnectAmericas.
- Upload an image with your company logo. When a client looks for companies on ConnectAmericas, they will feel more at ease with a well presented brand and will respond better to the information on your profile. So, don’t leave your company profile without a logo!
- Complete the contact information section. It seems simple, but many business people don’t fill out this section. By providing all of the contact information (email, phone, address and website), you’ll allow potential clients to gather more information about your company and encourage them to contact you and do business.
- Verify your company. The verification of your company profile is a free service our team offers and is visualized with a green symbol next to the name of your company. This symbol certifies that our team verified your company exists and the person who administers the profile can represent it. This means that verified companies are more trustworthy and likely to do business. Are you interested? Verify your company today!
- Link more than one person to the company profile. Companies with more than one person linked to it create more trust. Therefore, include more people from your company in your company profile on ConnectAmericas to help you grow your business.
- Include links to your website and social media pages. Your potential clients will want to find companies with as much information and references as possible, so we recommend that, in your company profile, you include external links to your website and other social media pages.
- List all the goods and services your business offers. To sell your goods or services on ConnectAmericas, you have to tell your clients what you offer and sell. Therefore, complete this section in your company profile.
- Complete the business information section. Make sure the rest of your business information such as affiliations, certifications, main clients, and location of your offices is complete. These sections are crucial for future clients to know more about your company, products, and references.
- Include a complete and concise description. Create an attractive, concise, and complete description that summarizes what you have to say about your company such as success stories, clients you have closed deals with, and factors you think will help you attract more clients.
We hope these tips have been helpful and that you take advantage of them to grow your business and connect it to the world!
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