Technical assistance for the evolution of the Level 4 Base Transactional Manager
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Business and Professional Services
IDB Project
Asistencia técnica para la evolución del Gestor Transaccional Base de Nivel 4 para actuar como SisteImportant Notice
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Carry out the design and implementation of a Level 4 Base Central System to be able to carry out the integrated operation with the TIT card (Interoperable Transportation Card) of more than one collection operator in the Integrated Transportation System of Lima and Callao. The Consulting must include the analysis of requirements and design of the architecture of the Single Collection System (SRU), the implementation of the Platform of the Central Base Collection System of Level 4 SCBN4, the development of the procedures and integration tests of the different types of operators according to the mode of transport (Metro, BRT, conventional buses, etc.) and technical strengthening of the ATU team via training on the solution offered. It is expected that the study will contribute to the improvements of the Single Collection System that should promote the transportation system of Lima and Callao as an integrated and competitive transportation.
Expressions of interest accompanied by Forms No. 1 and No. 2 must be received no later than December 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (Washington DC time) using the IDB Portal for Operations Executed by the Bank. (
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