Rehabilitation and up-grade of sewerage infrastructure is required
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Construction and related services
IDB Project
BH-L1028 : Programa de apoyo a la WSC - Mejora sistemas de suministro de agua y saneamientoImportant Notice
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The Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC), has received support from the Government of The Bahamas and loan financing, (Loan No.2624/OC-BH-L1028) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), for the WSC Support Program – New Providence Water Supply and Sanitation Systems Upgrade, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for REHABILITATION AND UP-GRADE OF SEWERAGE INFRASTRUCTURE.
The Water and Sewerage Corporation now invites sealed bids from interested contractors for the rehabilitation and up-grade of sewerage infrastructure works in various districts of New Providence. The proposed works are presented in the following Work Packages (WP):
- Construction of primary treatment at the Fox Hill WWTP.
- Expansion of Gladstone Road Waste Water Treatment Plant (GRWWTP),
- Construction of a new main Pump Station (PS) at Malcolm Park.
- Construction of a new Pump Station (PS) and a force main to connect Lynden Pindling International Air Port (LPIA) to Airport Industrial Park (AIP).
- Construction of a new main PS at the Flamingo Gardens Plant (FGWWTP).
Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the IDB’s Policies for the Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the IDB, and is open to all suitably qualified contractors as defined in the Bidding Documents. Bidders can apply for an individual Work Package, several packages or all packages.
El presente aviso de licitación pública se publica en Inglés por ser el idioma original del llamado.
O presente aviso de licitação pública está publicado em Inglês por ser este o idioma no qual se publicou o anúncio original.
This public bid is published in English because it is the original language of the call.
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