Reform work of the Oswaldo Cruz Health Center Building - Belo Horizonte
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Closing date
Construction and related services
IDB Project
BR-L1519 : Modernization and Quality Improvement of Health Services Networks in Belo Horizonte - BetterHealth-BHImportant Notice
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The Municipality of Belo Horizonte received a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as "Bank"), in various currencies, in the amount of US$ 56,000,000 (fifty-six thousand dollars) for the financing of the Modernization and Improvement Program da Qualidade das Redes de Atenção em Saúde em Belo Horizonte - Melhor Saúde BH, and intends to apply part two resources in payments resulting from the contract for building reform work for the installation of the Oswaldo Cruz Health Center. The tender is open to all Competitors from countries chosen by the Bank.
- General reform of the building that has subsoil and ground pavement
- Services of concrete and metallic structure, with foundations in root stake
- Venues and divisions; coverage; waterproofing
- Hydro-sanitary installations, fire and gas; electrical installations and SPDA
- Squads; serralheria; ceramic tiles and acoustic foam; floors, baseboards, soleiras and peitoris; glasses and mirrors; paint
- Touch signage and plates in Braille; indicative plates and visual communication; urbanization and complementary works (meio-fio, walkways, landscaping);
- Medical gases; air conditioning and mechanical exhaust
- Elevator/platform.
For more information, click on the button “Access the original publication” where you will find the edition of the contest.
Important: The proposals must be delivered at Rua dos Guajajaras, 1107, Bairro Lourdes, Belo Horizonte/MG at 10:00 a.m. on September 19, 2023 and will be opened immediately after, in the presence of two interested parties who will wish to attend the opening.
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