Purchase of Spectrometer Equipment
Start date
Closing date
IDB Project
PE-L1239 : Improving Tax and Customs Revenue Collection Services Through Digital TransformationImportant Notice
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The Republic of Peru has signed Loan Contract No. 4725/OC-PE with the Inter-American Development Bank - IDB to partially finance the payments corresponding to the Acquisition of goods, related services and consulting services within the framework of the "Project Improvement of Tax and Customs Collection Services through Digital Transformation”.
Object of the tender: Acquisition of Spectrometer Equipment
For more information, click on the button "Access the original publication" where you will find the official notification of the tender. Eligible bidders who are interested may obtain additional information on the LA SUNAT website (www.sunat.gob.pe) and request the review of the bidding documents at the email address <proyectobid4@sunat.gob.pe>
Important: All bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration. Bids must be sent to the address indicated below no later than 11:00 a.m. on June 26, 2023. Bids will be opened through a face-to-face opening meeting immediately at 11:30 a.m. of the same day. Offers received after the deadline and time will be rejected.
Please, indicate the following on the envelope of the bid offer: “LPI 004-2023: equipos espectrómetros”
Atn.: Presidente del Comité de Evaluación de la Licitación Pública Internacional: LPI N° 004-2023-SUNAT/BID 3
Address: Avenida Garcilaso de la Vega N.º 1456, Cercado de Lima, Lima
Floor number/office: Piso 1 – Edificio Sulamérica.
City: Lima
ZIP Code: 15001
Country: Perú
Phone number: (01) 634 3300
Website: www.sunat.gob.pe
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