Provide technical, administrative, financial, legal, environmental and social auditing services for drinking water and basic sanitation projects in the municipality of Quibdó, Department of Chocó (Stage II)
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Business and Professional Services
Technical, administrative, financial, legal, environmental and social supervision services for potable water and basic sanitation projects in the municipality of Quibdó, Department of Chocó (Stage II) with the aim of reducing the gaps between the coastal strip and the Andean area of the Colombian Pacific in the following sectors: i) aqueduct and basic sanitation and ii) energization.
The estimated budget for the works to be executed and which will be audited (supervision) is estimated at COP $ 24,851,303,100.
Interested consultants should provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services.
For this purpose, they must:
1. Attach a written document signed by the legal representative of the firm (s) indicating that they express interest in this process.
2. Fill in the table attached to this publication, in which the information of the respective firm is provided and the experience related to:
- Technical, administrative, financial and legal supervision (supervision) in the construction of components of drinking water systems.
- Supervision of the construction of storage tanks with a capacity greater than or equal to 2,000 m3, in glass fused to steel, with their respective complementary works.
- Technical, administrative, financial and legal supervision (supervision) in the construction of components of sanitary sewer systems.
- Supervision of the construction of sewage and / or rain pumping stations for flows greater than 800 l / s and power greater than 150 HP.
- Audit (Supervision) in the environmental, social and administrative control of water and basic sanitation works.
- Interventoría (Supervision) in the construction of sanitary landfills and management of collection and disposal of solid waste.
Note 1: The related specific experience (in the indicated format) must correspond to the last ten (10) years.
3. Attach a brief presentation or brochure of the firm or firms in association.
Note 2: The information provided in this expression of interest should not exceed 30 pages.
4. Consulting firms may partner with other firms in the form of a joint venture in order to improve their qualifications.
Note 3: In no case will the resumes of professionals presented with the expression of interest be reviewed.
Note 4: If the presentation of the Expression of Interest is made by firms under any type of association, the percentage of participation of each one of the firms that make it up must be included, taking into account that the responsibility is joint and several. If documents of intention of association are attached, take into account the restriction indicated in Note 2. Associations between natural persons and legal persons are not accepted.
Note 5: The experience presented by individual experts of the Consultant working independently or through other consulting firms will NOT be taken into account as relevant experience of the firm (s) expressing interest.
Note 6: For this Expression of Interest, the physical presentation of documents that demonstrate the related experience is NOT required. However, the consulting firm (s) must be prepared (s) to present them, if requested by the convener. Once the short list for this call is formed, the Consultants will be selected based on the Quality and Cost-Based Selection method (SBCC) described in the IDB Policies.
Note 7: Warning: The publication of this notice and the subsequent presentation of Expressions of Interest do not constitute any right for the interested parties, nor any obligation to advance the contracting process (s) by the UNGRD.
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