Executive Project for five Environmental Centers in the Municipalities of Clorinda (Province of Formosa), Aluminé (Province of Neuquén), Paraná (Province of Entre Ríos), San Luis (Province of San Luis) and San Rafael (Province of Mendoza).
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Business and Professional Services
IDB Project
Integral Management of Urban Solid Waste ProgramImportant Notice
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The consulting services ("the services") include the execution of an executive project for five (5) environmental centers in the municipalities of Clorinda (Formosa), Aluminé (Neuquén), Paraná (Entre Ríos), San Luis (San Luis) and San Rafael (Mendoza) that, together with specific regulations or ordinances to be planned, may provide the different localities with an adequate final disposal site for their urban solid waste. Once the study is completed, a consolidated final report should be available that includes and develops all the activities carried out throughout the study.
Interested consultants should provide the following information:
a. Written and signed expression of interest in participating.
b. Legal documentation of the company: copy of the bylaws and/or articles of incorporation, or legal background. Also, copy of the last minutes of the last meeting, board of directors or similar that designates the current authorities.
c. Written and signed proof of intent to form a consortium (if applicable). The consortium must appoint a lead firm. If an APCA is formed, its percentage constitution must be indicated.
d. List of works related to the elaboration of Executive Projects of environmental centers executed in the last 10 years, indicating: location, description of the works carried out, project duration, approximate contract amount, assigned work team, updated contact (name and telephone number). For this purpose, verifiable accreditations of work on the same subject matter, as previously mentioned, must be submitted.
The projects must have considered the environmental and institutional aspects associated with the provision of services. Likewise, they must have experience in the development of projects within the framework of international lending agencies. This requirement constitutes a minimum indispensable requirement that the consultant must comply with in order for its proposal to be valid, but will not award additional points.
e. Any other information deemed useful.
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