Design, supply and installation of grid-tie solar is required
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Construction and related services
IDB Project
GY-G1004 : Programa de Energía Sostenible para GuyanaImportant Notice
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The Co-operative Republic of Guyana has received financing for the amount of five million United States Dollars from the Inter-American Development Bank toward the cost of the Sustainable Energy Program for Guyana, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract for the Design, Supply and Installation of Grid-tie Solar PV Systems (IDB-GEF/G/01/2016).
The Ministry of Public Infrastructure now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the design, supply and installation of grid-tie solar PV systems. The systems are divided into two lots; bidders can bid for any one lot, or both lots.
Qualifications requirements include: (i) the bidder have experience in the design, supply and installation of solar PV system with at least three (3) contracts over the last three (3) years for the supply of minimum 10 kW systems in each case; and (ii) the bidder should demonstrate financial capability (liquidity) with a current ratio of greater than 1 for each year over the last three financial years. A margin of preference for certain goods manufactured domestically shall not be applied. Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.
Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the Inter-American Development Bank’s Policies for the Procurement of Works and Goods (GN-2349-9) and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Policies.
El presente aviso de licitación pública se publica en Inglés por ser el idioma original del llamado.
O presente aviso de licitação pública está publicado em Inglês por ser este o idioma no qual se publicou o anúncio original.
This public bid is published in English because it is the original language of the call.
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