Consulting Services for Detailed Engineering Studies and Technical, Economic, Environmental and Risk Assessment for the Project: Development of the Ca-9 North Corridor: El Rancho - Teculután Section
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Construction and related services
IDB Project
GU-T1296 : Structuring and Co-financing of the CA-9 North CorridorImportant Notice
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The IDB intends to contract consulting services for the Detailed Engineering Studies and Technical, Economic, Environmental and Risk Assessment for the Project: Development of the Ca-9 North Corridor: El Rancho - Teculután Section
Consulting services include the completion of the Detailed Engineering Study and the performance of the Technical, Economic, Environmental and Risk evaluations for the El Rancho CA-09 Norte Bypass project, located in the Municipality of San Agustín Acasaguastlan , Department of Progress, which includes the Final Design of the Bypass to the community, with an approximate length of 3.0 km, adjusting to a modified typical "A" section, as well as the complementary studies of Geotechnical, Geotechnical for Major Drainage Structures and Environmental Impact for the Final section of the Rancho Bypass, San Agustin Acasaguastlán, El Progreso – Beginning of the Teculután Bypass, Zacapa with an approximate length of 31.23 kms. The final product of the Consultancy will be the delivery for its final review and approval to the Technical Department of Engineering of the General Directorate of Roads of: topography studies, hydraulic and hydrological studies, soil study, pavement structure, major drainage structures and minor, environmental impact and risk study, structural calculation report, final plans, amounts of work and environmental measures. The service delivery time is estimated at six (6) months.
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Expressions of interest must be received using the IDB Portal for Operations Executed by the Bank before June 15, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. (Washington DC time).
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