Consultancy for the design and implementation of the NAMA monitoring system - Efficient Use of Firewood and Alternative Fuels in Indigenous and Rural Communities in Guatemala
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Utilities & Environmental Management Services
IDB Project
GU-T1305 : Efficient Use of Firewood and Alternative Fuels in Indigenous and Rural Communities in GuatemalaImportant Notice
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The IDB intends to contract consulting services for the design and implementation of a NAMA monitoring system that promotes the Efficient Use of Firewood and Alternative Fuels in Indigenous and Rural Communities in Guatemala
The objective of the consultancy is: to design and implement the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system for the reduction of emissions of the NAMA Program for the efficient use of firewood and alternative fuels in indigenous and rural communities in Guatemala. The consulting services ("the Services") include: 1. Designing and implementing the MRV system of the program, following the methodology of Technologies and Practices to Displace Decentralized Thermal Energy Consumption (TPDDTEC) of the Gold Standard version 4.0. (2021). The system must be capable of automatically counting the emission reductions generated by the Program and have a digital tool that allows managing, handling and updating the field data in real time necessary to make said estimate.
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Important: Expressions of interest must be received using the IDB Portal for Bank-Executed Operations before November 18, 2022, 5:00 P.M. (Guatemala time).
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