Collection, conversion and migration of GIS data of EBS’ electrical network is required
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Electrical Equipment & Lightning
IDB Project
SU-L1009 : Apoyo para Mejorar la Sostenibilidad del Servicio EléctricoImportant Notice
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The N.V. Energiebedrijven Suriname has received financing through the Ministry of Finance from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments under the project Support to Improve Sustainability of the Electricity Service, for GIS Data Collection, Conversion and Migration services.
The EBS now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for collection, conversion and migration of GIS data of EBS’ electrical network as specified in the schedule for the delivery of the services in the bidding document. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive bidding procedures as specified in the Inter-American Development Bank’s Policies for Procurement of Works and Goods financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN 2349-9 (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies.
El presente aviso de licitación pública se publica en ingles por ser el idioma original del llamado.
O presente aviso de licitação pública está publicado em Inglês por ser este o idioma no qual se publicou o anúncio original.
This public bid is published in English because it is the original language of the call.
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