Building remodeling works for the installation of the Oswaldo Cruz Health Center
Start date
Closing date
Construction and related services
IDB Project
BR-L1519 : Modernización y Mejora de la Calidad de las Redes de Servicios de Salud en Belo Horizonte - BetterHealth-BHImportant Notice
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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) granted a loan to the Municipality of Belo Horizonte for the "Mejor Salud BH" Program to Modernize and Improve the Quality of Health Care Networks in Belo Horizonte. Part of these resources will be used to finance a contract for remodeling works for the building where the Oswaldo Cruz Health Center will be installed. Bidding is open to all Bidders from eligible Bank countries.
For more information, click on the "Access to the original publication" button, where you will find the official notification of the tender.
In addition, you can visit the website or go or send mail to the address:
Rua dos Guajajaras, 1107
Bairro Lourdes
Belo Horizonte/MG
Telephone: 31-32775180
Important: Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address Rua dos Guajajaras, 1107, Bairro Lourdes, Belo Horizonte/MG before 10:00 a.m. on February 7, 2023, they will be reviewed immediately afterwards, in the presence of the interested parties who wish to attend.
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