Acquisition of Vehicles for the Altamira Delegation
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Business and Professional Services
IDB Project
NI-L1145 : Project for the Improvement and Sustainable Management of Drinking Water and Sanitation Services in Urban and Periurban AreasImportant Notice
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a. Financial Capability: The Offeror shall provide documented evidence demonstrating compliance with the following financial requirements:
i. Average Liquidity Ratio: To have a ratio equal to or greater than 1 on average in the last three fiscal years (2018, 2019 and 2020), this will be calculated based on the quotient of the division of total Current Assets and Current Liabilities (CL=AC/PC).
ii. Average Debt Ratio: To have a ratio equal to or less than 0.85 on average in the last three fiscal years (2018, 2019 and 2020), this will be calculated based on the quotient of the division of Total Liabilities and Total Assets (CE=TP/TA).
iii. Profitability: To have an average profitability of at least 1% in the last three fiscal years (2018, 2019 and 2020), this will be calculated based on the quotient of the after-tax profits and equity multiplied by 100
(R=UDI/Equity x 100).
To evaluate the above, the Offeror must submit copies of the financial statements (balance sheets, including all related notes, and income statements) of the Offeror or of each of the members of an APCA for the required fiscal years, which meet the following conditions:
- The historical financial statements must be audited by auditing firms;
- Certified Financial Statements are not accepted;
- The financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements;
- The historical financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited from January to December. In the case of companies that have in any of their periods fiscal breaks other than January through December, they must submit for that period such audited fiscal break, and also the financial statements for January through December of the same year duly signed and sealed by the competent administrators of the company. Financial statements for partial periods will not be requested or accepted.
In addition, they must include the following information from the auditing firm:
(a) copy of RUC ID of the auditing firm or firm;
b) copy of the CPA's ID of the CPA who signs the financial statements, with a certificate from the firm stating that the CPA is an officer of the firm; and
c) Commercial registration, or its equivalent in accordance with the legislation of each country.
Certified financial statements will not be accepted.
In the case of APCA, this criterion must be met by all partners.
b. Experience and Technical Capacity: The Offeror shall provide documented evidence of compliance with the following experience requirements:
Lot No.1: Copy of at least three documented evidences (invoice, receiving minutes, contract, final settlement or any other certification where contract compliance can be proven) showing that the Offeror has experience in supplying 1.5 to 2.0 ton trucks, in the last years: 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, whose value is at least 70% of the value of its offer for this Lot.
Lot No.2: Copy of at least three documented evidences (invoice, acceptance report, contract, final settlement or any other certification where the contract performance can be proved) showing that the bidder has experience in supplying single cab pickup trucks, in the last years: 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, whose value is at least 70% of the value of its bid for this Lot.
Lot No.3: Copy of at least three documented evidences (invoice, reception certificate, contract, final settlement or any other certification where the fulfillment of the contract can be proved) that demonstrates that the bidder has experience in the supply of double cab pickup trucks, in the last years: 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, whose value is at least 70% of the value of its bid for this Lot.
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